What are some Common Classes in a Master’s in Special Education Program?

If you are planning to become an educator who specializes in Special Education, you may want to know what common classes in Special Education you must complete to earn your degree. As a professional whose primary role is to work with children who have physical, emotional, psychological or learning disabilities, you will need a special set of skills and qualities to be successful in this specialty.

special ed teacherBecause specialists who work with students needing specialized education will teach a variety of subjects to students in different grades, you will need to take a focused set of courses. Many times, you must complete these courses before you can earn a special state certification in Special Education. Read on, and learn what classes you will complete to earn your Master’s majoring in Special Education.

What Are the Prerequisites to Enter a Master’s in Special Education Program?

Before you learn about the courses you will take as a graduate student, it is a good idea to learn about the prerequisites of the program. This ensures that you have completed all of the coursework that you need to be accepted to the program before you graduate as an undergraduate. Most schools with an education department offering a Special Education program will require that graduate students be licensed teachers in the state with a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university. As long as you have a Bachelor’s degree in Education or a related area of study and you are actively licensed, you will be eligible to enter a MS in Special Education program.

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What Classes Will You Take to Earn Your Graduate Degree?

If you are studying Special Education, you will take a long list of courses that can be applied not only to teaching special education courses, but also to standard regular courses. Here is a list of common courses that you may need to complete before you will be eligible to receive your degree:

  • Intro to Special Education
  • Behavioral Disorders in Children
  • Behavioral Assessment
  • The Law and Special Education
  • Teaching Special Needs
  • Intervention for Students with Behavioral Disorders
  • Psychology
  • Oral Language Development
  • Counseling

The actual courses included in your curriculum will depend upon the school that you attend and the courses required by the state board of education.

Is a Master’s in Special Education Required?

The requirements to become a special education teacher will vary by state. Some states allow prospective teachers to apply for a Special Education license with a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education, but some states may require that you hold a Master’s degree before you can test for licensure. It is important to review the requirements in your state to learn whether or not an MS is required. Even if it is not required, earning a Master’s could be helpful so that you become an expert in adapting lessons to meet the needs of children with disabilities.

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Special education teachers must be patient, creative, and highly intuitive professionals who have a passion for teaching and a calming nature about themselves. If you possess these traits and would like to specialize in this field, it is time to earn a teaching credential so that you can start your career and make a difference. Complete the common classes in special education to graduate, and earn your MS in Special Education.