Mary has always loved learning, but was a struggling learner who couldn’t read until one day the right teacher came along with the right methodology, and everything clicked. Understanding the struggles of children who just “don’t get it,” Mary has spent her career supporting students with learning difficulties and finding ways to get them excited about education. Over her career, Mary has taught second and third grade, and served as a middle school administrator in Michigan, most often in the urban setting. In 2015, Mary relocated to Arkansas in search of new opportunities and is excited at all that has been placed before her. She currently teaches special education in a self-contained setting for second, third and fourth-graders.

Special Education Teaching vs. General Classroom Teaching

General education teachers and special education teachers share many of the same duties. In fact, they share many of the same students. This is because children with identified special needs often spend a portion of the day in the general

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Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law. While services delivered under IDEA may look a little different from one state to the next, states that want to use federal funding to educate their disabled children —

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Identification of English Language Learners with Disabilities

Bilingualism can promote cognitive development. During the early stages, though, development in the second language can be slower; there can even be some loss of skills in the first language as the child divides his or her time between the

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Special Education in the Least Restrictive Environment | Inclusion?

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) stipulates that school children be educated in the Least Restrictive Environment. This means that, to the extent possible, they will be educated with their non-disabled peers, and school systems will provide additional supports

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Student Eligibility for Special Education Programs | State Differences

It may seem that a student would either have a disability or not have one. This is, however, not the case, at least when it comes to the qualification process for special education services. When disabilities are complex but invisible

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Tools and Adaptations for Sensory Processing Issues

Some children are overwhelmed by stimuli that others view as innocuous. Others have trouble focusing or staying alert when they don’t have the right kind of proprioceptive or tactile input. They may distract classmates because they’re constantly moving: seeking stimuli

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What is Special Education? 

Special education provides students with identified disabilities specialized instruction designed to meet their unique learning needs, giving them the opportunity to develop to their fullest potential. In the United States, special education is delivered, free of charge, through the public

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Special Education Teacher Careers

Special education teachers provide specialized instruction designed with the educational, emotional, social and vocational needs of children with disabilities in mind. These educators adapt and develop materials to provide a differentiated approach that accommodates the individual needs of each student

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